More Customs to More People

Let’s be honest. Selling out of our Limited Edition Custom SAKs is flattering, especially when it happens in the first twelve hours. But this is not about our ego. Here at Bow & Oake, we’re passionate about creating custom SAKs that Elevate your Daily Carry. We aim for eye-catching, innovative, and affordable designs. We hate the thought of someone coming to the site and not finding the custom they were so excited to get.

So we’re changing things up a bit.

As you may know, each of our custom products are lovingly made by hand and we try to make sure they go out the door at a killer price. This means we keep our price margins extremely low because we think of it as an investment in a relationship with you. (The #KnifeLogic goes like this: If I save money on knives, that means I can buy more knives, yes?) We make our customs in batches and stagger them out over a series of several weeks to spread out their manufacturing costs. Originally, we thought no one would notice that we work in batches because we didn’t expect to be mailing these out hand over fist.

But you’ve helped make this crazy passion a success. So we blame you. 😉

No More Early Sold Out Notifications

We’re doing two things differently to try and combat the faded “Sold Out” box. First, we’re slightly increasing the quantity of all of our products, Limited Editions included. Second, we’re saying goodbye to batches. This means that when a new custom goes on sale, the total Limited quantity is available that day.

The only possible downside of this is that it also means that should a Custom sell out, it is completely sold out. There aren’t any more batches coming.  

But, by then, you should have yours, yes?

-Oh! More News-

Our Limited Edition Custom SAK for February goes in a completely different direction and one we’ve been planning for months. We hope you love it as much as we do (and we’re sick over it, absolutely sick.) It also has a subtle Valentine’s Day theme, but one we think you’ll rock. It comes out February 7th, but our VIPs will get first glimpse very soon.

We’ve also got more Custom 58mm colors coming your way and some new Custom Plus Scales. Definitely keep your eye on this page over the next several weeks because we’re pretty sure we’ve got something new every single week this next month.

Thanks for stopping by.

Carry On (wink wink)